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RLA by Lesson

Group 7:  Writing About Text

Lesson 1: Unpack the Writing Prompt

Lesson 2: Identify a Writer’s Arguments and Assumptions

Lesson 3: Develop a Thesis Statement

Lesson 4: Collect Supporting Evidence

Lesson 5: Plan Your Response

Lesson 6: Draft Your Response

Lesson 7: Revise and Edit Your Response

Group 10:  Using Writing Mechanics

Lesson 1: Comma Use

Lesson 2: Capitalization

Lesson 3: Possessives and Contractions

Lesson 4: Homonyms

Group 6:  Connecting Ideas

Lesson 1: Organize Ideas into Paragraphs

Lesson 2: Use Logical Order and Relevant Ideas

Lesson 3: Relate Sentences and Paragraphs

Group 8:  Publishing Your Writing

Lesson 1: Strengthen Sentences

Lesson 2: Improve Organization

Lesson 3: Word choice

Group 9:  Using Grammar Correctly

Lesson 1: Noun and Pronoun Agreement

Lesson 2: Verb Forms and Tenses

Lesson 3: Subject-Verb Agreement

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